- 自然環境{しぜん かんきょう}に十分配慮{じゅうぶん はいりょ}する
give due consideration to the natural environment 意味
- "give due consideration" 意味
- "give due consideration in" 意味
- "give due consideration to global environmental issues" 意味
- "give due consideration to international harmonization" 意味
- "give due consideration to the concerns of developing countries" 意味
- "give due consideration to the progress of economic reforms" 意味
- "give due credit to someone for heading up" 意味
- "give due regard to" 意味
- "give due regard to the urgency of" 意味
- "give due consideration to international harmonization" 意味
- "give due consideration to the concerns of developing countries" 意味
- "give due consideration to the progress of economic reforms" 意味
- "give due credit to someone for heading up" 意味